How I’m Scheduling My 4-2-1 Gym Days

How I’m Scheduling My 4-2-1 Gym Days

Working out is like having sex (got you interested, didn’t I). Once you’re there, it’s great and feels good, and you want to do it again! It’s building up to that motivation, which is sometimes the challenge. In the last six months, I have not...
My Favorite New Supplements from Previnex

My Favorite New Supplements from Previnex

I am excited to share my partnership with Previnex – clinically effective supplements promoting longevity, performance, and everyday health. What I put into my body matters, and I trust a company that clinically tests its products. They also offer a 100%...
My January Reading Stack

My January Reading Stack

The new year always brings new intentions and a re-set to formulate new plans and focus on healthy habits.  Here’s my stack of reading for January – including two new to me journals. Flower Magazine: My sister got me started on this gorgeous magazine. Each...
The Healing Power of Exercise During Menopause

The Healing Power of Exercise During Menopause

If you follow me on social media you saw a recent post of me in my swimming pool sporting a purple ala Doris Day swim cap hinting that I am celebrating a milestone. Well, that milestone is I just finished my first year of menopause. Woo hoo! It’s hard to believe...