If you are planning a summer trip, I put together a printable (click here to print) to help you assemble a health and wellness kit for your suitcase. The suggestions I’ve listed are for over-the-counter medicines to accompany your prescriptions from your doctor.*

There’s nothing worse than being away from home when an upset stomach or bug bite happens, and you don’t have resources nearby to take care of it. Once you assemble the kit, store it away for future travels (making sure to throw out expired items and replace them with new ones).

Click pic to download and print

Here is a great article you may find helpful for a Healthy Packing List, and this link to the CDC is a destination source where you enter the country you are traveling, and the CDC gives you advice on immunizations and other health resources.

Other things to consider when traveling regarding your health:

Contact information card (carry at all times) that includes the street addresses, telephone numbers, and email addresses of:

  • Family member or close contact remaining in the United States
  • Health care provider(s) at home
  • Hospitals or clinics (including emergency services) at your destination(s)
  • Insurance policy information (it’s always good to have a copy of your insurance card)
  • Lodging at the destination(s)
  • US embassy or consulate address and telephone number in your destination country or countries

☐ Copies of all prescriptions for medications, eyeglasses/contacts, and other medical supplies, including generic names; preferably translated into the local language of the destination

☐ Documentation of preexisting conditions (for example, diabetes or allergies) in English and preferably translated into the local language of the destination

☐ Electrocardiogram (EKG) if you have existing heart disease, including any known abnormal heart rhythms (arrhythmias)

☐ Health insurance, supplemental travel health insurance, medical evacuation insurance, travel insurance policy numbers, carrier contact information, and copies of claim forms

☐ International Certificate of Vaccination or Prophylaxis (ICVP) card showing proof of vaccination or an appropriate medical waiver for travel to destinations where vaccinations are required by the country for entry

In addition to bringing the medical documents on this list, be sure to leave copies with a family member or close contact who will remain in the United States (in case of an emergency). Consider having electronic copies of documents, as well. Put everything above in a plastic, water-resistant envelope and keep it in your carry-on.

I hope this helps you to have the tools you need to plan a healthy trip!

*Note:  This post is for information purposes only and is not intended to substitute or replace medical advice from your practitioner. Always consult a medical professional when planning a trip involving taking medications and the concern of your welfare.