I had just started getting into my groove of an exercise routine that was working for me. I set a minimum of three days a week of exercise with the goal of five days for the win.  I learned that my best way to achieve this is to take my gear with me to work, change at the end of the day into my workout clothes and go straight to the gym from work – do not pass go for home! My friend/trainer Jess made fitness cards for me with a daily workout already planned to take the guesswork out of it. I walk into the gym and know immediately what my plan is. Boom. I was on a roll.

Enter CoVid19. I made the decision to stop going to the gym – even though the staff was doing a great job of keeping it clean and reminding guests to clean machines after use. I decided to be safe and work out from home.

Enter the change of routine. I have my cards, but I don’t have a treadmill to get my heart rate up. I was really enjoying the 20-minutes of jogging, then my 20-minute circuit, ending with 10 minutes of jogging. I felt great. Now, I am finding other ways to get my heart rate up.

Plan B. Jess made me cards for patio workouts using the hula hoop, medicine and stability balls, and a jump rope. So, hopefully, I can get into this like I did a workout at the gym. I have to say that this morning it was fun to workout poolside. I ran laps around the pool with Hazel and if you watch this YouTube video, you too can master the Hula Hoop aka – the waist whittler.

My Pinterest fitness board features over 500 ideas. Pick three new things from this board every day to mix things up so you don’t get bored. Also, I just signed up for Chris Freytag’s Get Healthy U to access on-line videos for only $20 for the entire year. She has all sorts of resources other than fitness videos – things like recipes and articles, and I like her because she is a 50-something woman like me. I can also stream it from Roku.  Since I have a TV on the patio, I can pull up a video and do everything from a 10-minute upper body workout to Yoga, to a step routine.  Use offer code ChrisGold20 for an annual Gold membership of just $20 (normally $149).

I have been enjoying daily walks with Hazel. Yesterday, we took a completely different route and it was so much fun exploring a new area of my neighborhood. I shoot for at least a 3-4 mile walk. You could try a walk and then add a 10-minute session on either your upper or lower body.

The point is this – do something. Yes, I agree this is a very scary, weird time in our lifetime. But taking good care of yourself is something you have total control of.  Like Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “Your first wealth is health.”