Webster’s definition for dapper is: Neat and trim in appearance and very spruce and stylish. Spruce kind of sounds like a tree…don’t ya think? So, I decided to go with the Urban Dictionary’s definition: A compliment made to someone who looks incredibly smart, sexy and stylish.
So two things you need to know about women:
#1. You had us at “incredibly smart”…
#2. …and top that off with sexy and stylish, and we’re all in!
Here’s the deal guys…style/sprucing may not be your thing but for us, it’s everything. So, let’s get started by talking about the typical dapper look…”Suits, Vests, and Ties!” Remember the days of the 3-piece suit in the 70’s and 80’s? Today’s 3-piece suit has a different look, and the vest does not necessarily match the suit. A sweater vest under a suit jacket not only adds another texture but serves the purpose of keeping you warm. And remember, when wearing a vest to keep the bottom button unbuttoned. News you can use…right?
The shoes and belt you wear with your suit should complete your outfit. The belt should be fairly thin and the same color as your shoes. The main thing to remember here is to make sure your shoes are clean and polished. I know this for a fact because I’m married to a man who knows how to polish a pair of shoes. He actually shined shoes when he was a little boy. Sometimes he would take the shoes home and deliver them by foot to his clients the next day. If you think shoe shining only exists at the carwash and airport, just know there is an array of shoe polish kits you can order online. Be sure to check out KIWI Shoe Shine Valet at Amazon.com — a perfect Father’s Day gift.
“The difference between being a man and a gentleman is having clean fingernails and shined shoes.”
Do you remember the days when men wore a suit to church, work, and to dinner? I actually miss those days. Do you? So often I’ll see a lady dressed up and out with her man who is wearing cargo shorts and an untucked shirt. Please know, I love the untucked look on a man, but I really think a couple’s outfits should complement each other. So, if you are “that guy,” I want to challenge you to dapper-up your style a bit.
A few rules to remember are the suit jacket should be long enough to cover the pants zipper and rear. Sleeve cuffs should be exposed about half an inch. For a more current look, opt for a charcoal or grey suit over black because dark grey is more versatile and goes with more colors. If a suit is totally out of your style realm, then at least consider adding a blazer to your wardrobe. To me, a man’s blazer is the most versatile piece in his wardrobe. It can be worn with slacks and a button-down shirt and tie. Though, my favorite look is when a blazer is worn with jeans, a crisp button-down shirt, no tie, and polished shoes. How dapper is that?
The icing on the cake when it comes to men’s style is ties and pocket squares. Like the blazer, there are some style rules for ties. Remember your tie should always be darker than your dress shirt and should reach the waist band of your trousers or slightly shorter. And it’s important to remember the width of your tie should match the width of the jacket lapel. A pocket square adds an extra level of polish, but make sure it doesn’t match your tie in either pattern or fabric choice. To see the dozens of ways to tie a tie and fold a pocket square, check out this week’s Pinterest board.
But more than anything, remember these words from ZZ Top:
“Clean shirt, new shoes. And I don’t know where I’m goin’ to. Silk suit, black tie, I don’t need a reason why. They come running just as fast as they can….Cause every girl crazy ‘bout a sharp dressed man.”
Don’t forget each week, Holley updates our Pinterest board just for you with fresh inspiration and ideas. There is a lot of eye candy on this week’s board for everyone to enjoy! Be sure to follow the board so you automatically have access to new content!
Holley Williams is a personal stylist specializing in closet inventory, seasonal shopping, closet organization and wardrobe consultation. Contact Holley at [email protected].