I came across a term the other day that I hadn’t heard called “summerween.” It’s the time in summer when we are growing tired of the heat, kids are returning to school, and we are looking forward to the “ber” months of cooler weather and pumpkin spice lattes. Well, I can get on board for summerween then. While I enjoy the early summer days before the pool water is too hot, fall is my jam. Summerween is a playful blend of summer vibes and Halloween thrills.
Growing up, I don’t recall my mother decorating for Halloween like she did for Christmas, so I wasn’t that into it as a grown woman and young mom. Miss Twist always begged me to buy all the skeletons and ghouls we’d see in stores, but it wasn’t for me. Recently, I gave away a lot of unused Halloween decor stored for years in the attic. But, good news – I may get excited about October 31 this year.
Halloween decor has arrived at Michaels Crafts, At Home, Home Goods and My Mind’s Eye. I am thrilled to see a retro twist of hot pinks mixed with orange and black. I’ve already started purchasing a few things before they sell out.
Michaels features the cutest pom-pom wreath, retro-vibe flower power pumpkins in pink and orange, flocked pink and orange pumpkins, and witch’s hats. I’ve already picked up the crazy cat lady doormat. I mean, if you love it, get it, because it may not be available when October rolls around, right?
Next up is a little more of a traditional vibe with black, but I plan to take it up a notch. I will hot glue bright pink and orange faux flowers to the top of the witch’s boot. I’ll add one of my friends, Cassie, at Wirr Warr Wraps, ribbon kits to the kitty’s neck. I also want to try wallpapering the inside of the houses and adding battery candles. The wreath goes on my front door with a Miss Molly’s Monogram wreath sash. Stay tuned for that!
So that’s a first blush of what I am planning for Halloween. What can I help you shop for?