I was in Trader Joe’s the other day and picked up a box of their Rosemary Garlic Monkey bread to give it a try.  I know.  Tasting bread, it’s very hard.

You can find this in the freezer case and it comes packaged with its own little oven-safe bundt pan.  Take the bread out of the package and let it rise for a hour in a warm location free from drafts, then bake for 25 minutes.  This is what it looked like right out of the oven.

We turned it out onto a plate.  So far, so good.  Very pretty presentation and perfect for our spaghetti dinner.

Something to consider…one little section of the monkey bread is 180 calories.  Of course, I read that information on the box after I had eaten about five pieces.  Yikes.

Here’s the reason I ate five pieces and it wasn’t necessarily because I liked it.  I did kind of.  But, it was very overwhelming with the rosemary.  Like in a big way.  Rosemary should play a supporting roll in her monkey bread, not front on center.

Mr. Bee thought it tasted too salty.  It was buttery and maybe if you had a dipping sauce to temper Rosemary, it might have made a difference.  I’d be willing to try it again to see if perhaps I just got a batch where they were a little too zealous with the rosemary at the factory.

Let’s end on a positive note.  Trader Joe’s has a complete 100% satisfaction policy.  Bring anything back or even tell them you tried it and it wasn’t pleasant and they will make it right.  I casually mentioned to a crew member one time that I wasn’t that impressed with one of their products.  She told me to wait right there and brought me something else to try, no questions asked.  I wasn’t even sharing this with her because I expected something in return.  It’s just how they roll.  Funny.  See how I did that?  I brought it back around to bread.

I’ll be back this weekend with some fun ideas for Holiday Sips.  Have a fab Friday friends!

*Note: I am not compensated in any way for my reviews.  They are strictly this housewife’s opinion.