It’s been two months since my sweet Ruthie the Weinerful passed away.  I wanted to share with you the beautiful package I received from The Pet Loss Center with Ruthie’s remains.  I can’t say enough wonderful things about the Fort Worth Animal Emergency Hospital.  They were so kind and loving during her care and worked with The Pet Loss Center to honor our memory of her.

Tucked inside a lavender gossamer-like drawstring bag was a cherry wood box with Ruthie’s name inscribed on a brass plaque, a lock of her hair (grey and all), a print of her nose, a floral infused heart for planting, and a cast of her paw print.  I love how you can see all the crevices of her paw.

Interesting note:  If you’ve ever owned a Dachshund or been around one — you know that their paws smell like Cheetos. I have no idea why, but it’s a distinctive smell that only Doxie owners know about!

Tucked inside all of this packaging was a lovely booklet with grief support materials, poems and this touching note that came from Ruthie to me …

“I loved and adored you.  I shared in your joys and sympathized with you in your sadness. While I was part of your world, you were my whole world, and cherished every minute with you.  Every minute was a pure gift, full of love.  Our time together in this journey seems like it only just began.

I’d try to have you understand that it’s okay to cry over me and to never forget me or the beautiful life we shared together, a mere chapter in your entire life story.  Thank you for letting me into your world. Celebrate me and let me forever live in the memories that are locked into your heart, so that we can always be together.  Always know that when you go, this journey takes me, too.”