We have a guest post today.  Sister Bee read my blog yesterday and offered up her side of the naming of the Queen.  I thought it was interesting that Earnie never shared the informational snack that it took her five days — in the hospital — to name me.  Here’s Sister Bee’s recollection….

Mrs. Bee,

What a nice little story about your name and the reflection on its meaning for you.  I am glad you like your name. Did Mama (my note:  it’s interesting how all the kids call Earnie something different — Mama for sister bee, Mom for the boys, and I prefer the more formal Queen speak — Mother) tell you that you did not have a name for 5 days?  The man who was in charge of filling out the birth certificate went to the hospital room every days for five days and Mama always said, “Come back tomorrow.”

At age 15, I had finally learned how to corral the boys so I bought a small paperback book with baby names and made them sit down at the kitchen table until we settled on a name.  I started with “A” and it was pretty funny all the comments I received from them.  They did, however, seem to like the idea of knowing what each name meant or stood for so by the time we got to the “M’s” they were really into it.  Day 5 and still we could not agree on anything but possibilities.  We knew we had to come up with something or you would be Mary Helen all your life.  We could not face it.

When we got to “Melissa — Honeybee” we knew we had found the perfect first name and so “on the fifth day” when the certificate man came to the hospital room he wrote “Melissa Kay Reeves.”  It was a good thing.  I am not responsible for “Kay.”  Mama did that one. 

I think I did a good job on your name and on finding Mr. Bee to pollinate your roses.  You have been our precious little bee ever since.


Sister Bee