I am intrigued when I ask people what their morning routine is. Mother’s was always coffee and the paper. Daddy’s was a shower and cereal. Some people start their day with exercise. It’s different for everyone it seems, so I thought I’d give you a snapshot of how I start my day…

It’s hard to be mad at his face!
Feed the animals. This includes our three cats, Wilson (named after the movie Castaway…because he was a stray), Oreo (named for the famous cookie…because, well she is black and white), and Trevor #thecatwhowearsbowties. He’s named after Mr. Bee’s English Uncle which you can read about here. And our sweet dog, Hazel, named after my great aunt. It’s a production because they all have to eat separately due to the fact that Wilson and Trevor try to eat everyone else’s food including their own.
Then, I drink a glass of lemon water. My physician turned me onto to this about a year ago. It helps to boost your metabolism and burn calories, plus your body has been without water for eight hours and it’s needing hydration. The more you keep your body filled with the water the less you will desire snacking and sweets. This simple step has really helped to suppress my appetite until lunchtime eliminating the calories and need for breakfast.
After I shower, my favorite lotion to use is Philosophy Body Emulsion in Amazing Grace. It smells so clean and fresh and it’s super moisturizing. For an added indulgence, you can layer the scent with their body wash and perfume. My favorite time to do this is before bed and it makes the sheets smell so good. If I love on Trevor, Miss Bee always says, “Trevor, you smell like Momma!”
There are a few facial products I have been loyal to for a while from Josie Maran — I cannot live without her Argan Oil. I not only use it on my face but it’s terrific on my cuticles, the backs of my hands, my neck and anywhere else you have dryness. You mix the oil with the powder cleanser to make a gentle exfoliant in the morning before putting on your makeup for the day. Always be sure to add the extra protection of sunscreen on your face!
Next, my diffuser. I have a diffuser in almost every room of my house to fill the air with cleansing, relaxing scents. Usually in the morning I will use a mixture of Jasmine and Lime essential oils. It makes a beautiful blend that is soft, yet invigorating and my bathroom smells like a day spa. Whole Foods has a great selection of oils. My personal brand favorite is Young Living essential oils.Then, I make a good cup of coffee with cream and one raw sugar and sit down to listen to a podcast on my “Hey, Google” while I apply makeup and do my hair. You can find my starter set of Podcasts here. I’ve found a few more that I really like and I’ll share those soon. I choose Podcasts over TV so I can learn something new, be empowered with a positive message or just plain laugh!
After I am all ready for work, or play, I make my bed. Here is a great article from the Power of Positivity on the “Five Reasons You Should Make Your Bed Every Morning.”
“If you make your bed every morning, you will have accomplished the first task of the day. Making your bed will [reinforce] the fact that the little things in life matter. If you can’t do the little things right, you’ll never be able to do the big things right.” – U.S. Navy Admiral William H. McCraven, former Navy Seal.
Want tips on the proper way to make your bed for a good night’s sleep? Turn to whom other than Martha Stewart here. And here is a link from my Pinterest Master Bedrooms Board for 48 Real Life Bedrooms that Wow (including that one above!).
So, that’s my routine in the morning. What’s something you do everyday that wouldn’t be the same if you left it off your list? I’d love to hear from you. Make it a great day!
On days I have time to myself, I very indulgently return to bed with my coffee, toaster whole wheat waffles with a bit of cream cheese (my everyday breakfast during the week) and go through my emails, catch up on any bills, review my calander and make my to-do list for the day. By the time I have finished my breakfast, I feel awake, informed, caught up, and ready to take on the world!