I am so excited!  Today is the day you can hear my very first episode of the Home with a Twist podcast on Soundcloud!  I’m a big fan of podcasts and have been wanting to create my own to share my thoughts and ideas outloud, giving you the chance to get to know me even more.

Episode one – includes a little bit about my childhood, the things that made the “Twist List” and answering a reader question on how to curate fun and creative care packages for the college student.  I hope to share a new episode with you each week and include “show notes” with links to the resources I mention in the podcast.

How to hear my podcast:  For right now you can listen to my show on www.Soundcloud.com.  In the search box enter Home with a Twist and it will take you to my photo above and the link to episode one.  Pretty soon you will also be able to access it through iTunes and other channels.  The best way to listen is to put the free Soundcloud app on your phone or tablet.

How you can help me?  Listen to my podcast and leave a comment on Soundcloud.  Subscribe to the podcast.  The more subscribers (or followers) the more people will find me and my blog.  I’d also love your ideas on things you’d like for me to discuss.

I also want to thank my sponsor Jabo’s Ace Hardware who have been such a wonderful support with my blog and projects.

Thank you for taking the time to follow my passion to seek joy in everyday!