I found this Monday checklist from Business Insider. You can find the full description and suggestions for each task on their site.
I was intrigued by number 13 — “blanket of humanity” on your emails.
“It’s tempting to power through all your emails in the most efficient way on Monday mornings. But before you hit send, read them over to ensure that they’re friendly and clear. “Put yourself in the recipient’s shoes. It’s relatively easy to appear curt when you’re in a hurry, along with the impersonal nature of emails and texts. You want to mitigate false starts and misinterpretations,” Taylor says. One way to do this: Start the email by saying “Hi” and “I hope you had a great weekend.”
Want to know what successful people do on Sunday nights? They have a post on that, too here.
Another idea I like to plan for Monday is to make time to leave a little early for work and stop at the grocery for a bouquet of flowers to enjoy on my desk for the week.Lastly, everyone needs a mantra. Years ago, we made the life changing decision to be caregivers for my parents when they came to live with us. During that time I met with a therapist to help me work through the transition of adding this new role to my already busy life as a wife, mother and employee. One of the best take-aways she suggested for me to try at night before I go to bed was to say to myself “life won’t always be like this.” It was a positive message for me to imprint in my brain so that it would hear a message of hope and relief. We tell ourselves everyday negative messaging and as a result our brain hears nothing else and we start to believe we aren’t good enough, pretty enough, smart enough… This Monday morning message from Empowering Women Now is the perfect mantra. Print it off and put it in a prominent place.
Make your Monday the best day of the week!
Great advice!
I love this post.
Thank you Kathy dear.