Miss Bee doesn’t start school for another week, but she is back at tennis. On her way out to practice, she asked for her favorite surprise meatballs.  I remember being her age, coming in from school and being hungry so I was glad to oblige…especially because lately she’s become a slightly picky eater. 

There’s no magic recipe, just the fact that I wrap the meat around a chunk of mozzarella cheese.  I mix up ground beef with Italian seasoning, bread crumbs, a slightly beaten egg, chopped garlic and onion.  Then wrap a big wad of meat around the cheese.  Here they are all nicely waiting on the plate for the pan.

I heat a little olive oil in the pan, then simmer the round tufts of meat till they’re brown.

After they have sufficiently browned, I pour in spaghetti sauce (I like Newman’s), sprinkle a little Parmesan cheese, then simmer on low for about 20 minutes.  I don’t drain the pan before pouring in the sauce.  I like all the bits and since I buy lean beef, there really isn’t much oil in the pan.

We’ll have this along with some pasta and mixed vegetables.  I read an article recently that said you really need to eat 10-12 servings of fruit and vegetables a day.  My body doesn’t know what’s going on.

Other projects coming…styling my bookshelves.  Got the study wall painted right before we left for a brief vacation.  So, now the fun part remains of making the shelves look pretty.