I am trying to incorporate more fish in our evening suppers, so when I came across this recipe from An Oregon Cottage via Pinterest I thought it would be really yummy. And, I was right.  It brought me back to my trip-of-a-lifetime to Turkey last summer (which I blogged about here). It’s super simple and took just minutes to prep and about 40 minutes total to put on the table.

You can access the recipe above, or I have listed it below…

Mediterranean Fish Bake

2 TBL olive oil
1-2 lbs red or white potatoes, chopped (I cut them into small chunks and used purple potatoes)
1 large red or yellow sweet pepper, chopped
1 medium onion, chopped
Salt and Pepper to taste
3 large cloves of garlic (it could use more and I think it would be fine)
6-8 white fish fillets (I used Tilapia)
1 14-oz can of diced tomatoes with the juice
1/4 cup of kalamata olives, chopped (I love kalamata olives so I increased it to 1/2 cup)
1 TBL parsley, chopped
1 TBL lemon juice
1/2 cup of feta cheese, crumbled

Heat oven to 425 degrees.

Add the olive oil to a 9-x13 baking dish and toss in the potatoes, peppers and onions.  Season with salt and pepper and mix to distribute the oil and seasonings.

Bake for 25 minutes, until potatoes are tender.  Remove from oven.

Scatter garlic over vegetables. Season fish with salt and pepper and place on top of vegetables.  Pour tomatoes over the top, sprinkle with the olives, parsley, and feta and then drizzle with lemon juice.

Bake for about 10 minutes or more until fish flakes with a fork at the thickest part. Be sure to check out my other seafood recipes on my Pinterest board.  Mr. Bee loved it, Miss Bee, well, I’ve stopped being phased if she likes what I fix.  She’s a teen, moody at times, and could live on tacos and pizza.

This week I hope to share with you my punch list of organization projects going on in The Hive, a brownie-like cookie recipe and before photos of some furniture going to rehab.  Have a terrific Tuesday!