I found the cutest artwork recently from an artist named Evelyn Henson.  She has all sorts of designs, but I immediately zoned in on her monthly to-lists with inspired ways to celebrate the month!  I mean we all have our “to-do” list which usually involves the daily tasks of life like pick up the dry cleaning, clean the litter box, etc… but wouldn’t it be fun to add “Bring Funfetti Popcorn to Work” on your list!And with January 23 being National Handwriting Day — when I was reading my February issue of Real Simple one of their featured “Things we Love” stories was Nicely Noted, a monthly subscription service where three curated, letterpress blank cards of all themes and envelopes are packaged with gorgeous postage stamps and sent right to your door the first of every month – all in an effort to help promote the art of pen and ink mail.  I love the idea!  When you go to their site and enter your email address they will email you a promo code for 20% off your first month’s subscription.  This idea is perfect with the gratitude letters I talked about here in the Creating Your Own Personal Inventory Days.

Here’s another idea for a fun to-do list from Paper and Glam.  We are supposed to get winter weather overnight so I might just get to check off making a snowman and snowman pancakes!  I used to think January was a tad depressing with the holidays being over and decorations put away, but this inspiration actually makes me excited about all the adventures 2018 will bring!