Here is a “best of” for you to enjoy while I take a little break to enjoy time with Mr. Bee.  I’ll have something fun to share when I return.  This story will take you back to 2014 when I went into PetSmart to buy fish food and came home with a puppy.

Where have you been?  I’ve had several followers email or call me asking me if I’ve died.  Why has the story about the disinfectant wipes been on your blog for over a month?  What in the world is going on?  This is what’s been going on…I went into PetSmart to buy Beta food for Consuela VonFinn.  She’s really a he, but I liked the name Consuela.  I don’t even like her, but she/he’s pretty on my counter top.  All blue and swirly.  I actually got he/her to use for a centerpiece for a fish themed baby shower back in July.  It’s still alive and I have to feed it.  While I was perusing the Halloween dog costume area for Ruthie the Wienerful, I spotted the adoption section of the store.  That was when I saw her.  “Can I play with her for a bit?” I asked the kennel lady.  She brought her into the puppy viewing room (also known as room for suckers with husbands that will leave you if you bring anymore animals home).  We played, we bonded.  I brought her home along with all the gear you buy for a new puppy.  The $10 deal of a puppy was the story I was sticking to.

Mr. Bee texted me “what are you doing?”  I responded that I was potty training our new puppy.  Silence.  Then I texted him the pic of her in our kitchen.  He replied, “what is that?”  That was one month ago.  He’s just now speaking to me.

Seriously, I have to give him credit.  We’d I’d been talking about getting a second dog casually, but this should have been a group decision.  I was afraid he’d say no.  And, he would have.  So, for the last month I’ve been potty training, taking her to the vet for de-worming, de-puppying the house, running a puppy day-care, and racking up the FitBit steps going on walks to wear her out.  Then, Sunday, I hit an emotional wall.

I sat and cried.  Big tears.  Sobbing.  What have I done?  As Mr. Bee was consoling me, telling me he didn’t hate me or the puppy, that he actually thought she was cute and good for Ruthie to have a playmate, I blurted out “I just wanted something else to take care of!”  That was it.  To the very core.  I think I miss being a caregiver.  I miss Mother.  Miss Bee is a teen.  On some crazy level having a puppy keeps me busy, productive and makes me feel loved and needed.  Hey, it could be worse, I could be having a real baby…right?

I named her Hazel, by the way (animal control named her Aruba).  Ruth was my grandmother’s name and she had a sister named Hazel.  Ruthie and Hazel.  I now have two dogs…four cats…and a beta.  Ruthie and etc…

Like all rescue dogs, they are so happy to be loved.  Hazel is spunky, sweet and has lots of energy.  She loves to go on walks with me (Ruthie has no legs, not really but she hates to go for walks) and fetch.  I think she will be my show dog.  I’m pretty sure I can teach her to jump through hula hoops and catch Frisbees.  On the flip side, she rarely sits still.  Heck, with a dogsister and four cats to chase, there is always something going on.  When Hazel is still long enough she looks up at me with those big, brown eyes and I know she’s saying, “thank you for shopping at PetSmart that day and taking a chance on me.  I won’t let you down.”

Update to October 2018:  Hazel is still perfect for our family.  She’s learned to be calm and is the best lap dog.  We’ve since lost our beloved Ruthie and while I long for another doxie, Hazel is just fine being my girl.