If you love to read and like gathering with other women, we’d love to have you join our book club! Here are some FAQs to give you more information:
How did the book club get started?
I have always wanted to be a reader and discuss what I am learning with others. I acknowledged to accomplish that goal. I needed to lessen my television binge-watching and set aside time for reading. I had just finished “The Four Tendencies” by Gretchen Rubin. After I took her personality quiz, I determined that, as the Obliger personality type, I am much more likely to follow through on achieving a goal if I have an accountability partner. She gave the example, “If you want to read more, then start a book club.”
So, I launched my book club to the world in May 2017 on Bookmovement (a platform like GoodReads), hoping a few others, friends or strangers, might want to join me on my journey. Fast-forward four years, and we have nearly 300 members nationwide joining us each month for discussion. I am pleased that many best-selling authors have joined us over the years to discuss their books and answer questions.
When do you meet?
We meet quarterly in person in Fort Worth – typically in March, June, September, and December. I still give you a monthly read during the months we don’t meet, but you can enjoy it on your own. When possible, I will share video interviews with authors and share them on my YouTube channel here.
What is Book Movement?
Book Movement is an online book club forum. You can read more about it here. I enjoy working with their Creator and President, Pauline Hubert. After you complete your membership profile on Book Movement, you will receive notifications on our upcoming meetings and the books we will be reading. Plus, you can create a queue of books you want to read outside of our group and find new releases and trends in all genres of books. For additional information about Book Movement, please visit their FAQ page here.
How do I sign up, and is there a cost?
Membership is free through Bookmovement, and we welcome new members to join us anytime. Use this access link to set up your free member profile. Once you join, you can access our book club’s page to see what we are reading in the current and subsequent months.
How are the books selected?
I select the books based on reviews, the buzz in the literary world, and the author’s social media presence. We try to read new releases and, hopefully, books whose authors are interested in connecting with book clubs. We read various genres – non-fiction, fiction, memoirs, mysteries and thrillers, and historical fiction. We also like to read books that lead to television or film so we can read the book and then watch the movie together.
Do I purchase my book?
Each member purchases their book. We know everyone reads differently. Some like to read an actual book, others their device, some want to listen to their books during their walks or commutes, and others like to support their local library. I try to have the books listed on my Amazon store where Amazon pays me a small commission for your purchase.
Can I invite a friend?
Friends are always welcome to join us for meetings. After their first meeting, we ask that they create a Book Movement membership to continue joining us.
Do I have to read the book to attend the gatherings?
Remember the saying, “You get out of it what you put into it?” We expect club members to read the month’s selection and actively converse with the other book club members in attendance. Likewise, I am inviting people into my home who, I hope, are equally interested in reading along with me. We’ve read some books that are challenging to finish, but we try our best, which helps elevate the discussion when we meet. Think back to your “why” for joining our book club.
Can I cancel my meeting or opt out of receiving emails?
We know life gets in the way. Please consider sticking with us until you can add reading to your routine. However, if you wish to cancel your membership, please visit your account page on the Book Movement site to delete your account. I do not have access to your personal account information. If you have questions, please email mrstwistreadsthis@gmail.com
Looking forward to joining your book club!