I am on a roll with the blogging.  Having a snow storm ice you in for five days makes for a well-rested Queen getting caught up on cleaning, organizing, decorating and baking.

This morning Mr. Bee helped me make Orange Cranberry muffins.  I picked up a bag of Oceanspray cranberries in the produce section recently and decided to make them since cranberries are so holiday-ish.  I made the recipe on the bag and I used new muffin papers I found at Kroger of all places.  Dressing up your muffins with these little papers makes them look like you’re a gourmet chef!

Mr. Bee helped me chop the cranberries.  Most of the ingredients you will have in your pantry…nothing fancy here.

Just before putting them in the oven I topped them off with some Turbinado sugar.  I got turned onto this when I made my first trip to England with Mr. Bee.  The English use this in their hot tea.

Here are the muffins right out the oven.  The papers pulled away from the bread perfectly.  Mr. Bee professed they were the best cranberry muffins he’s ever eaten.  Miss Bee, who is in teen-style mode right now, said nothing.

Here’s hoping you are having a motivational Monday.