Easter, next to Thanksgiving, is one of my favorite holidays.  But, probably not for the reasons you might be thinking.  I do love the Easter Bunny, and egg dying, etc…, but the real reason I like Easter is Lent.  For me, Lent is my own personal New Year.  For 40 days, I try to practice sacrifice (giving up something — in this case sweets) and personal reflection.  I am reflecting on how God wants me to take better care of myself through healthier choices of eating, making time for daily exercise, and using more of my quiet time in prayer.

I have been very good for the last few weeks on taking my vitamins.  As I stare at the bottles I think, if someone could come up with a better way to package the bottles so they were decorative maybe more people would take them everyday.  I can’t stand to see the line up of bottles on the counter.

Light bulb.

I have a crystal carafe in the bathroom that was really more decorative than functional.  I filled it with the calcium chews!  Now, in the morning when I am getting ready, I pour out two and eat them while sipping my coffee.  Need a drink of water afterward, no problem you have a glass on hand, darling!


Now, I am on the hunt for more decanters to house the aspirin, fish oil horse pills, and the gummy vitamin chews.

What can you do for the next 30 days to make your life more spectacular?