Episode six is live and read to listen here on Soundcloud or any channel you listen to podcasts.

This episode I am sharing the life of my brother Jim and his death to suicide.ย  ย I included resources like the Jordan Elizabeth Harris Foundation andย  the National Alliance for Mental Illness.

We talked about creating a mantra for 2019.ย  Mine for 2018 was #joiedevivre — Seek Joy in Everyday.ย  It has been one of the best strategies for me to focus on words of empowement rather than setting unrealistic goals.

Send this funย postcardย to Santa from the app Touch Note.

And the game of This or That Christmas.ย  It is alot of fun. It you want a copy, email me at [email protected] and I will send it to your inbox.

I shared a fun retro recipe for Cinnamon Red Hot Cider that my mother loved to make for the holidays.ย  You can find it here on my Pinterest board.ย 

Thank you for listening.ย